2011. 4. 4.

[Java]C에서의 Define 대용 in Java

Define 사용법 in java

- Precompiler 사용방법
=> 개인이 만든 PreCompiler임. //#ifdef 형식으로 사용가능

- Ant script and Eclipse plug-in을 사용한 자동화

- VC++ Compiler를 사용한 c style define 사용

- ANT script를 사용한 주석 define

- Interface 를 사용한 호출방법(like reflection)

[Java]Interface를 사용한 reflection 흉내내기

원본(Src) : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1943021/equivalent-of-define-in-java

Depending on what you are doing (not quite enough information) you could do something like this:

interface Foo
void foo();

class FakeFoo
implements Foo
public void foo()
// do nothing

class RealFoo
public void foo()
// do something

and then provide a class to abstract the instantiation:

class FooFactory
public static Foo makeFoo()
final String name;
final FooClass fooClass;
final Foo foo;

name = System.getProperty("foo.class");
fooClass = Class.forName(name);
foo = (Foo)fooClass.newInstance();

return (foo);

Then run java with -Dfoo.name=RealFoo|FakeFoo

Ignored the exception handling in the makeFoo method and you can do it other ways... but the idea is the same.

That way you compile both versions of the Foo subclasses and let the developer choose at runtime which they wish to use.

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